DementiaBank English WLS Corpus
Carol Roan
Center for Demography and Ecology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Participants: | 1,264 (2004), 1,370 (2011) |
Type of Study: | Longitudinal |
Location: | USA |
Media type: | audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/1QBB-C454 |
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus
must be accompanied by at least one corpus reference.
Project Description
The WLS is a large-scale, long-term, longitudinal study of a random sample of men and women who graduated from Wisconsin high schools in 1957. Data on these participants were collected five more times through 2011. The data here are a small subset of tasks from the 2004 (sometimes labeled as 2003) and 2011 testing that are relevant to the other language tasks used in DementiaBank corpora. The large majority of these participants would be considered healthy controls.
Media and Transcript Database contents:
The WLS media folder contains the following folders and subfolders:
- 00-19
- Each folder contains audio files of cookie theft picture descriptions from 2011 testing
- Folders are organized in groups based on participant ID numbers
- Example: folder 00 contains participant ID numbers 00007, 00032; folder 12 contains ID numbers 12003, 12011.
- 0extra
- -- audio files for delayed word recall from 2003/2004 testing
- 2003flu_sim -- audio files and Excel spreadsheets (with responses) for category and letter fluency tasks and similarities task from 2003/2004 testing
- -- audio files for immediate word recall from 2003/2004 testing
- -- audio files for delayed word recall from 2011 testing
- 2011flu -- audio files and Excel spreadsheets (with responses) for category and letter fluency tasks from 2011 testing
- -- audio files for immediate word recall from 2011 testing
- -- audio files for similarities task from 2011 testing and Excel spreadsheet (with responses) for similarities tasks from 2011 testing
The WLS Download transcripts folder contains CHAT transcripts of cookie the theft picture descriptions done at the 2011 testing.
Demographic data and test scores for these participants are available here.
- The first tab of the spreadsheet has data from 2004 and 2011 (see list below).
- The second tab has information about the variables and codes from 2004 and 2011.
- The third tab has the participant list with a subset of the data: age, years of education, and scores on the category fluency task at the 2011 test date. The last column shows which participants scored 1 standard deviation below the means reported for cognitively intact individuals (Tombaugh, Kozak, & Rees, 1999) on the category fluency task (see Guo, Li, Roan, Pakhomov, & Cohen, 2021).
- The fourth tab has data from the 2020 test date with sex, age, 10 variables related to diagnosis of cognitive status (e.g., level of impairment, consensus for Alzheimer's disease), and letter fluency task score.
- The fifth tab has information about the 2020 cognitive status variables.
Research results -- Students in an undergraduate course in Statistics and Data Science at Carnegie Mellon University used WLS to determine if past linguistic abilities (2011 Cookie Theft discourse) could indicate cognitive impairment a decade later (2020 cognitive status diagnoses). Their research poster is available here.
List of variables -- The full set of 2004 and 2011 data in the spreadsheet includes:
- sex
- age, 2004
- age, 2011
- education -- highest level achieved
- memory, 2011 -- during the past four weeks, how would participant describe
their ability to remember things?
- thinking, 2011 -- during the past four weeks, how would participant describe
their ability to think and solve day to day problems?
- stroke, 2011 -- has a doctor ever told participant they had a stroke?
- mental illness, 2011 -- has participant ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?
- letter fluency version, 2004 -- F or L
- letter fluency, # scored words produced, 2004
- letter fluency, raw # words produced (scored and disqualified), 2004
- category fluency version, 2004 -- animals or food
- category fluency, # scored words produced, 2004
- category fluency, raw # words produced (scored and disqualified), 2004
- similarities, 6-item score, 2004
- immediate word recall, # words (out of 10) remembered, 2004
- 1st word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 2nd word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 3rd word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 4th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 5th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 6th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 7th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 8th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 9th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 10th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 11th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 12th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 13th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 14th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- 15th word said, immediate recall, 2004
- delayed word recall, # words (out of 10) remembered, 2004
- 1st word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 2nd word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 3rd word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 4th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 5th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 6th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 7th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 8th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 9th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 10th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 11th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 12th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 13th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 14th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- 15th word said, delayed recall, 2004
- digit ordering task score, 2004
- letter fluency version, 2011 -- F or L
- letter fluency, # scored words produced, 2011
- letter fluency, raw # words produced (scored and disqualified), 2011
- category fluency version, 2011 -- animals or food
- category fluency, # scored words produced, 2011
- category fluency, raw # words produced (scored and disqualified), 2011
- similarities, 6-item score, 2011
- digit ordering task score, 2011
- number series task score, 2011
- immediate word recall, # words (out of 10) remembered, 2011
- 1st word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 2nd word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 3rd word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 4th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 5th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 6th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 7th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 8th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 9th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 10th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 11th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- 12th word said, immediate recall, 2011
- delayed word recall, # words (out of 10) remembered, 2011
- 1st word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 2nd word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 3rd word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 4th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 5th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 6th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 7th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 8th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 9th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 10th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 11th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 12th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 13th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 14th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 15th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 16th word said, delayed recall, 2011
- 17th word said, delayed recall, 2011