DementiaBank English Lanzi Corpus

Alyssa Lanzi
Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Delaware


Participants: 6
Type of Study: Semi-structured interviews
Location: USA
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/M6XY-KM73

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In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one corpus reference.

Project Description

These files contain semi-structured interviews examining the continued use of preferred External Memory Aids (EMAs) and experiences of individuals with mild neurocognitive disorder (mNCD) who completed a group intervention 1.5 years prior to the interviews.

Participants completed six weekly group-treatment sessions. During the sessions, three categories (i.e., calendars, timers, and personal information) of EMAs were taught. Two non-congruent sessions were dedicated to each category. Treatment sessions included the three-step training program to teach the EMAs (Sohlberg & Mateer, 1989): exploration of aids, role-play, and instructions for home practice. Participant demographics appear in the table below. All six participants passed hearing and vision screenings.

Researchers used a questionnaire of 11 open-ended questions to guide the semi-structured interview 1.5 years post-treatment. The interview was completed individually during one session, lasting approximately 45 minutes. Question themes included: continued EMA use, metamemory, memory ability, treatment experiences, and strategy use. The interview questions were:

  1. What were the three categories of EMAs that were trained during the treatment? (If incorrect, examiner states “calendar, timer and personal information”.)
  2. Do you still use any of the external memory aids trained? If so, which ones?
  3. Why do you no longer use (state the aids)?
  4. Have you integrated using any of the aids into your daily routine? For example, every morning you wake up and look at your calendar.
  5. How do you feel your memory has changed since treatment?
  6. What daily tasks are difficult for you to complete due to your memory?
  7. Are you concerned about your memory and/or talked with any medical professionals about your memory?
  8. How would you benefit if you received sessions following treatment to review the strategies taught to you?
  9. What ways was group treatment beneficial for you?
  10. Do you use any strategies that were not trained during treatment?
  11. Is there anything else you would like to share?

Note: Not all of the media files have yet been transcribed.

Participant Group Age Education MoCa score
1 1 88 12 24
2 1 72 14 25
3 1 86 12 22
4 2 75 12 24
5 2 75 14 25
6 2 74 14 21


Andrew Yankes reformatted this corpus into accord with current versions of CHAT.