DementiaBank DrivenData Challenge

This page hosts data for the PREPARE Challenge - Phase 2: Model Arena (Acoustic Track) from DrivenData. The goal of the competition is to improve early prediction of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) using acoustic biomarkers from voice recordings. For more details, visit the competition page.

You must be registered for the competition on DrivenData before accessing the data. Follow the instructions on the Data Download page to request access (you must be logged in and registered for the competition to see this page).

After registering on TalkBank and DrivenData, and submitting your details through the form , it may take a few business days to receive access. Once approved, you can access the training and test data here.

That page on the DementiaBank site only hosts the raw audio files used for the competition. All other files needed for the competition can be downloaded directly from the competition website.